INVITATION——Thailand Amusement & Attraction Parks Expo(TAAPA) | Bangkok | Sep



Welcome to visit us!


Exhibition Period:19-21 Sep 2019

展位号Booth No:C24


Exhibition Address: Impact Exhibition & Convention Centre,Bangkok,Thailand

咨询电话Tel:+(86)763-6880138; +(86)13602282791



Company Profile


广东大浪,创建于1999年,屹立行业深耕二十载,国家高新技术企业,中国索道与游乐设施标准化技术委员,中国游艺机游乐园协会CAAPA常务理事单位,IAAPA(国际游乐园及景点博览会)会员,《大型游乐设施安全规范》GB 8408-2018 起草单位之一。


大浪的产品和服务行销全球60多个国家和地区,遍布中国除港澳台外的所有省市自治区,2000多家旅游度假区游泳场馆、水上乐园使用大浪的产品和服务,在业界拥有显著的影响力和口碑。2012年荣为“中国游艺机游乐园协会常务理事单位”。2015-2018连续四年荣获中国游乐行业协会颁发的 “摩天奖”,并连续两年荣获中国国际游戏游艺博览会项目创意奖;2016年被认定为国家高新技术企业。2017年公司被评为《AAA级信用企业》,荣膺广州品牌百强企业和岭南好企业“最具投资价值奖”,荣获中国国际游戏游艺博览会优秀水上乐园设备制造商“金鼎奖”、游乐界“金冠奖”•“杰出供应商”。

广东大浪秉承“待人以诚、执事以信”的企业精神 , 拓全球视野,不断进行产品创新研发和管理升级,与国际国内同行共同努力,推动全球水上游乐行业发展。

Founded in 1999, Guangdong Dalang Water Park Equipment Co., Ltd., has been in the industry for 20 years. It is a national high-tech enterprise, nation cable way and recreational facilities standardized technical committee, CAAPA (China’s Amusement Park Association) executive director unit, member of IAAPA (International Amusement Park and Recreational Facilities Association ) , one of the drafting units of the national mandatory standard "GB 8408-2018 Safety Specification for Large-scale Amusement Facilities"

Dalang Company is one of China's earliest water recreational facilities manufacturing enterprises. The company's R&D and manufacturing base is located in the Guangqing Industrial Park, with intelligent, automated,modern as the standard, use the industry’s advanced European five-axis CNC machine to make the mould,and through L- RTM process to develop double smooth water slides to create a new landmark in the water park manufacturing industry! It provides one-stop solutions including” investment planning,planning construction, facility manufacturing, engineering construction, environment art, material support, operation management, investment cooperation” for large-scale amusement parks, yachts and other  amusement projects.

the company's products and services have been extended to more than 60 countries and regions around the world, China's all provinces and cities,except Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan,more than 2,000 tourist resort swimming pools and water parks use Dalang products and services ,so Dalang has a significant influence and reputation in water park industry. Dalang was honored as "China’s Amusement Park Association Executive Director unit " in 2012, won the "Ferris Award" issued by China Amusement Industry Association for four consecutive years during 2015-2018, won the China’s International Game Arts and Crafts Expo project award for two consecutive years; identified as a national high-tech enterprise in 2016. In 2017, the company's enterprise credit was evaluated as "AAA grade credit enterprise", was awarded Guangzhou Brand 100 Enterprises and “Best Investment Value Award” by Lingnan Good Enterprise, won ”Jinding Award” as excellent water park equipment manufacturer in China’s International Game Amusement Expo and ”Golden Crown Award·Outstanding supplier" in the amusement industry for many years.

  Dalang Group adhere to enterprise spirit of "treat people with sincerity, doing business with honesty", expand the global perspective, keep product research & innovation and management upgrading. Dalang will strive together with counterparts home and abroad to promote the development of global water recreational industry.



Product Name: Magic Slide




Product introduction:The starting platform is 15 meters high, and the shape is peculiar. It is like the edge of a deep sea swordfish. The body of the slide is like a devil fish. The moment from the closed slide seems to suddenly appear on the edge of the canopy. The open design will make the scenery below. At a glance, the light reappears and welcomes the next unknown challenge.




Product Name: Closed Super Trumpet Slide



Product introduction: The closed super trumpet slide is a product that has been completely revised and upgraded on the basis of the original super trumpet slide. Visitors sit in a four-leaf type of four-leaf clover float, starting from more than a dozen meters high platform, flying into a huge super trumpet slide, like being sucked in by a hurricane. In the rapid glide, the physical examination is like the beauty of the wind in the wind, especially for those who like to experience novelty.


Product Name:Super Bowl Slide 


Product introduction:Get in my bowl! The biggest innovation of this slide is that visitors from different entrances will meet in the same bowl, and they will be able to separate and greet each other.

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